Milena Čančarević, MSc
- Title: Assistant
- E-mail:
Currently a doctoral student at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Čačak, University of Kragujevac, majoring in Information Technology.
Master of Academic Studies completed at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, majoring in Information Systems and Technologies, module Information Systems.
Defended her Specialist thesis entitled ‘Internet Store – Online Shopping’ at theICT College of Vocational Studies in Belgrade, in 2010, mentored by Professor NenadKojić, Ph.D.
Graduated from the ICT College of Vocational Studies in Belgrade, Major in Internet Technologies.
Work Experience
2011 – today - ICT College of Vocational Studies.
Professional Development and Affiliations
- Certificate "Graphic tools for stock trading planning", TeleTrader d.o.o., May 2017.
- Certificate "Development of mobile applications in finance", TeleTrader d.o.o., May 2017.
- Certificate "Modern achievements of technical and fundamental analysis", Belgrade Stock Exchange, April 2017.
- Certificate "Development of software start up application"
- Certificate “Attended the Adobe training course Photoshop CS6” of the Education Center Level 3, Belgrade.
- Certificate of stock exchange operations of the Belgrade Stock Exchange.
- Belgrade Stock Exchange Certificate "Technical and Fundamental Analysis".
- Certificate "Modern tools for monitoring and analysis of stock exchange business" of TeleTrader d.o.o.
- Certificate "Advanced techniques for investor protection in the IT industry" of TeleTrader d.o.o., March 2014.
Papers in national journals:
- Goran J. Zajić, Milena D. Vesić, Ana M. Gavrovska, Irini S. Reljin, “Animation Content in Frame Analysis,” Telfor Journal, Vol. 8, No. 1,pp. 110-114, 2016. (ISSN 1821-3251 (Print Issue), ISSN 2334-9905 (Online)),М52.
Papers from international conferences:
- L. Lukić, N. Kojić, O. Bugarinović, M. Vesić, N. Vugdelija, M. Ignjatović and M. Veinović. "ONE APPROACH IN SOLVING THE PROBLEM OF PRE-SELECTION OF CANDIDATES IN COMPANIES USING A WEB APPLICATION", 13th International Conference, ICT Innovations 2021, Skopje, North Macedonia, September 27–29, 2021.
- N. Vugdelija, N. Nedeljković, N. Kojić, L. Lukić and M. Vesić, "REVIEW OF BRUTEFORCE ATTACK AND PROTECTION TECHNIQUES", 13th International Conference, ICT Innovations 2021, Skopje, North Macedonia, September 27–29, 2021.
- L. Lukic, N. Kojic, M. Kragovic, M. Vesic, K. Lazic, Improving the teaching process by moving from .NET to .NET Core framework, 7th Conference with International Participation on Knowledge Management And Informatics, pp. 9-16, Vrnjacka Banja, 2-4 June, 2021.
- M. Vesić, M. Kragović, N. Kojić, L. Lukić, D. Borčanin, Implementation Of New Technologies In The Realization Of Teaching In Programming, 7th Conference with International Participation on Knowledge Management And Informatics, pp. 299-305, Vrnjacka Banja, 2-4 June, 2021.
- N. Kojić, V. Vasilijević, M. Vesić, N. Vugdelija, L. Lukić, Quality Improvement Of Web Applications By Application Core Web Vitals, 7th Conference with International Participation on Knowledge Management And Informatics, pp. 1-8, Vrnjacka Banja, 2-4 June, 2021.
- M. Vesić, N. Kojić, "COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF WEB APPLICATION PERFORMANCE IN CASE OF USING REST VERSUS GRAPHQL", 4th International Scientific Conference on IT, Tourism, Economics, Management and Agriculture ITEMA 2020, October 8, 2020, ISSN 2683-5991, ISBN 978-86-80194-36-3
- L. Lukic, M. Vesic, D. Nikitin, N. Kojić, "Comparative analysis of technology for web application", The 5th international conference on knowledge management and informatics, Vol.1, pp. 138-146, 8 - 9. january 2019., Kopaonik, Serbia.
- M. Vesic, L. Lukic, N. Mihajlovic, N. Kojić>, "Modern concepts and innovations of java script in accordance with ecma script version 5, 6 and 7", The 5th international conference on knowledge management and informatics, Vol.1, pp. 41-48, 8 - 9. january 2019., Kopaonik, Serbia.
- M. Vesić, G. Zajić, N. Kojić, A. Gavrovska, "WEB VISUAL SEARCH USING RE-RANKING METHOD AND NEURAL NETWORK MACHINE LEARNING", 5th International Conference IcETRAN 2018, pp. 817-821, ISBN 978-86-7466-752-1,11-14.06.2018., Palić. (M33)
- M. Vesić, G. Zajić, N. Kojic, "Web content mining improvement using multifractal analysis", Proc. of International Scientific Conference on Recent Advances in IT, Tourism, Economics, Management and Agriculture – ITEMA 2017, pp. 41-46, ISBN 978-86-80194-08-0, Budapest, October 26, 2017. (M33)
- Milena D. Vesić, Goran J. Zajić, Ana M. Gavrovska, “CBIR System with Relevance Feedback using Hölder exponent”, 13th Symposium on Neural Network Applications in Electrical Engineering (NEUREL) 2016, 22-23 November 2016, Belgrade, pp. 25-28. ((07SS1.6), Publisher: IEEE, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP14481-CDR. ISBN: 978-1-4799-5886-3, Print ISBN: 978-1-4799-5887-0, doi: 10.1109/NEUREL.2014.7011449), (M33)
- G. Zajić, M. Vesić, A. Gavrovska, I. Reljin, “Animation Frame Analysis”, 23nd Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2015, Serbia, Belgrade, November 24-25, 2015, (M33)
Papers from national conferences:
- М. Весић, Г. Зајић, Н. Вугделија, А. Гавровска, И. Рељин "Аутоматска селекција релевантних обележја код система базираних на вештачкој интелигенцији", "ICT Pulse" у оквиру XXIII Фестивала информатичких достигнућа – ИНФОФЕСТ, 25.09. - 1.10.2016.
Books and lecture notes
- Н. Којић, М. Весић, Л. Лукић, Практикум из web програмирања PHP 1, Висока ICT школа, Београд, 2018. (155 страна) ISBN 978-86-88245-33-3
- Н. Којић, М. Весић, Практикум из web технологија, Висока ICT школа, Београд, 2016. (181 страна) ISBN 978-86-88245-25-8
- М. Весић, А. Савић, Н. Којић, Практикум за интегрисано банкарско пословање, Висока ICT школа, Београд, 2015. (91 страна) ISBN: 978-86-88-245-22-7.
- Н. Којић, Милена Весић, Практикум за web програмирање, Висока ICT школа, Београд, 2013. (227 страна) ISBN 978-86-88245-13-5 .
M. Vesić, N. Kojić “Comparative Analysis of Web Application Performance in Case of Using REST versus GraphQL.”, In Proceedings of Fourth International Scientific Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology, Tourism, Economics, Management and Agriculture (ITEMA), Online-Virtual, 8 October 2020; pp. 17-24.
is cited in:
- Lawi, A., Panggabean, B. L., & Yoshida, T. (2021). Evaluating GraphQL and REST API Services Performance in a Massive and Intensive Accessible Information System.