About us | About School | Department School of Information and Communication Technologies

About us 

Department School of Information and Communication Technologies is a state-established, independent higher education institution, founded by the Government of the Republic of Serbia. In the time of national reforms in higher education, the ICT School was successfully accredited for the first time in 2007 for conducting the study programmes which provided modern integrated knowledge in the field of information and communication technologies. During the first accreditation period, the development of study programmes was based on the implementation of new technologies in a teaching process, with a special emphasis on practical training carried out in school laboratories.

The experience gained in the first accreditation period, supported by the results of continuous monitoring of aims and outcomes of the instruction process, was implemented into modernized study programmes and in 2012 the School was successfully accredited for the second time for performing three undergraduate study programmes and two specialist study programmes.

Having accomplished its development objectives as a higher education institution, the School was accredited in 2017 for conducting new undergraduate study programmes and one master study programme.

Below you can find the accreditation documents.


Решење о допуни Дозволе за рад Високе школе струковних студија за информационе и комуникационе технологије бр. 612-00-01775/2008-12 од 30.01.2009. године.


Студијски програми акредитовани 2012. године

Школа је акредитована за три студијска програма основних и два студијска програма специјалистичких струковних студија.

ОСНОВНЕ СТРУКОВНЕ СТУДИЈЕ трогодишњи студијски програми – 180 ЕСПБ


СПЕЦИЈАЛИСТИЧКЕ СТРУКОВНЕ СТУДИЈЕ једногодишњи студијски програми – 60 ЕСПБ


ЕСПБ – Европски Систем Преноса Бодова